外壁はプロスケーターとして、またフォトグラファーとして活躍するLUI ARAKI氏とのコラボレーション作品になります。是非CHECKしてみてください。
We painted the 2nd floor and the outer wall for the select shop “MORTAR” in Shibuya. The outer wall is a collaboration work with LUI ARAKI who is known as a pro-skater and a photographer.
Please check out the movie and stop by at the shop for a cup of coffee or beer at the cafe upstairs.
Skatebording:Lui Araki
Movie:Masafumi Kashi
photo : Lord K2
Jinnan Bldg. 1F/2F, 1-3-4 Jinnan Shibuya-ku Tokyo
OPEN 11:00 / CLOSE 20:00